Grow Your Practice
Arm Balancing & Inversions
Weekend Workshop Series
Grow Your Practice
In “Grow Your Practice” we will explore the theory and practice of some of the more challenging postures of our asana (posture) practice.
Feel like you want more time / guidance to understand and practice these postures – this is for you !
Feel like you want to understand more about why you personally find these postures hard to master – this is for you !
Feel like you couldn’t possibly do these postures – this is most definitely for you !
These sessions will run in fun, easy going, workshop type setting with lots of time to get guidance and ask questions.
What Do The Workshops Involve?
- Preparing the body for more advanced postures – in theory
- Preparing the body – we will do some physical postures to prepare you in the workshop
- The five “secret sauce” ingredients of growing your practice … and workshop which ones you might need to work on
- The anatomical essentials for safety and progression
- Practice in workshop format with guidance and coaching
Weekend 1 – Arm Balancing
What Do We Cover ?
Weekend 1 – Saturday March 25th 1400 to 1600
Focus: Arm Balancing
- Postures covered:
- Side Plank (Vasisthasana)
- Crow (Bakasana)
- Shoulder Pressing Pose (Bhujapidasana)
- Firefly (Tittibasana)
- Side Crow (Pravritta Bakasana)
- Pose of the Sage Koundinyasana I & II (eka pada koundinyasana I & II)
- Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana)
- Plank and Four Limbed Staff (Chaturanga Dandasana)
- … let us know any other requests you may have
Weekend 2 – Inversions
What Do We Cover ?
Weekend 1 – Saturday April 1st 1400 to 1600
Focus: Arm Balancing
- Postures covered:
- Dolphin (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)
- Feathered Peacock (Pincha Mayurasana 1)
- Shoulder Stand (Pincha Mayurasana 2)
- Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)
- Headstand (Salumba Sirsasana 1)
- Tripod Headstand (Salumba Sirsasana 2)
- … let us know any other requests you may have
Do I Need an Advanced Practice ?
Do I Need Have to Attend Both Sessions ?
What Should I Bring ?
Dates, Times, Pricing and Booking ?